Following the success of Season One, Brian Young’s popular teen drama, Fate: The Winx Saga returns for a second season Autumn on Netflix. Determined to master their enchanting powers, a group of teens navigate rivalry, romance and supernatural studies at Alfea, a magical boarding school. Fans will be happy to hear that actress Elisha Applebaum returns as she reprises her role as Musa.
WIth so much excitement, twists and turns as fans dig into the second season, we caught up with Elisha herself to tell us more about the journey of Musa so far.
Welcome Elisha, it's lovely to finally meet you, how are you doing?
Good. Thank you. How are you?
Yeah, not doing too bad. Thank you. So it's the eve of the release of the show. How are those adrenaline levels looking?
I am so excited mainly to see what everyone else thinks, because I've already seen it. So I'm very excited that the fans of the show are able to see what we've created because there are some surprises and twists and turns.
I saw that you were out to about seeing the banners and billboards in public. As you're passing by and all of a sudden seeing your face on a billboard, what goes through your head?
It's so surreal. Like, I don't think it's something that I'll ever be able to get used to, in all honesty. It's mental to think that, people are constantly going to look at your face, not knowing who you are, but they will just look up being like, ‘that's cool’.
So, before we get into the show itself, tell us what has this year been like for you so far, and what's been keeping you smiling and motivated?
What's been keeping me busy? I've been traveling quite a bit this year which I'm very grateful to even be able to do that, especially because of the circumstances of the last couple of years and everything like that. But I'm just grateful to be in a position where I can travel, I can learn about the world and be able to come home and just see my friends, family.
So what are some of the best places you've fallen in love with on your travels?
I went to Bali recently, which was incredible. I went by myself for the first week, and stayed with some locals. And everyone is just full of gratitude which is incredible. They make little offerings for like their cars, and or even appreciative of the small things such as having a roof over your head and a place to sleep.
So let's go to the show itself. This season how do you feel it tested both you and your character?
Oh, I mean, I think Musa is going through an identity crisis. She is trying all different things in order to make herself useful whilst also find a way to be part of this sweet group.
Everybody has their powers and I think last season we saw Musa discovering new parts of her powers where she was like ‘Okay, I'm gonna give this ago.’ I think it gets more difficult because everything she does becomes a bit of a problem.
I don't know if you've seen in the trailer yet, but there is a scene where Musa starts fighting, so I've had to start getting a bit fitter, which involves, plenty of personal training to the point at one stage I was having session about four times a week to get the fittest I can possibly get. So yeah, we're going through a strength training together, I think.
So being able to tell these stories and celebrate these voices, especially young voices, how did you being able to be part of that powerful narrative?
It is great to be part of something which represents strong women in the face of danger and loving friendships and all of the above. I think it's an honor to be able to be a front runner for young women all over basically, because this is very much a show looks at the coming of age journey of everyone involved.
Can you remember what you're own coming of age experiences were like?
I mean, in all honesty, it's quite, it was quite similar to Musa. Like her, I personally didn't find myself in a particular group, I was trying to find my way around those different groups. And I didn't really know what my style was. I just had an identity crisis so was trying to find my place in multiple different places, when all along its not about what group you belong to, and instead what is in your heart and you mind.
What point did you start to feel comfortable within your own skin where you're like, this is me, this is Elisha?
You know what,I'm still trying. I'm still going through that. I think when I got into my 20s, I found that I was making more decisions for myself, and not for other people. But even in this process of being Musa, I've grown up a lot and found who I am a bit more, which has been really lovely.
For the fans that have supported Musa so far, what would you like to say to them for believing and cheering on your character?
I would love to say, just thank you so much for your belief. The way you guys rally around Musa even on Twitter and all the other social media platforms, fighting her corner, is so nice. You are all so amazing.
It's lovely validation to have people saying that they love your character, and they want to see more. So obviously it makes me want to ensure I am doing my best for all of the fans, because you have been there behind me this whole time.
Thinking about the road ahead, what is next for you or atleast some of the things you can share anyway?
I am doing a bit of writing at the moment. I'm making a couple of films at the moment which are little short films, one I have just finished. I've got some other things in the pipeline, which I can't tell you, but for now, that's all.
So like, in terms of like, the writing side of things, going from being in shows yourself to then going from a writing point of view, how have you found that transition?
There's a lot to learn. I've definitely written my first one and gone ‘Okay, what do I do better next time?’, or asked myself ‘how do I step up so it's even better than before?’. It's just a an ongoing learning process, but I really enjoy writing. I really get to be in touch with my imagination.
Talking of imagination, can you remember what your hopes and dreams were like, when you were growing up as a young kid?
I think when I was younger, I was very smiley and happy the majority of the time anyway. I was part of a family who really our loved rock music, so I had that as a foundation to base my imagination on.
I remember I had this Nightmare Before Christmas book which contained everything from how all the puppetry was made to all the songs from the film as well. I would carry it with me everywhere. Currently it has sellotape on the binding because I've opened it so many times. And so I think it with things like that, when I was growing up, to me it was like a dream to be a part of that world.
What would you say is one of your strengths that that you've learned most about yourself over the years?
I have found recently that I'm quite good at bringing people together and making sure that everyone's enjoying themselves and making light of maybe situations that aren't so ideal. So I definitely think I've got those skills and have found that I've got those skills very recently.
You spent some time in the studio with my creative team, how did you enjoy that experience?
Oh, let me tell you, it was absolutely lovely. Jemima and I are still talking over Instagram. We're just having a lovely laugh. She invited me to her birthday party. The shoot itself was so fun. They let me express myself and let me be creative with the shots as well.
Well, I wish you all the best with the next season. For anyone who is about to see it or hasn't seen it, why are they missing out if they haven't seen it so far?
Because it's everything you want in a TV show. It's an escape from reality. You get to be in a world of fantasy, you get to be in a world of scandal, of love, of friendship and empowerment. It's the full package.
Sending our thanks to Elisha. You can check out Fate: The Winx Saga season two on Netflix which is streaming right now!
Article & Interview By Thushara S. Chandrasiri
Photography & Styling - Jemima Marriott
Photography Assistant - Eric Anderson
2nd Assistant - Kelly Guibal
Make Up - Charlotte Kraftman
Hair - Miranda Diego
Thank You To: Elisha Applebaum, Public Eye & Black PR
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