Pho specialises in pho, the Vietnamese noodle soup, which they cook over hours in their kitchen.
The wide selection of Pho's (and Vietnamese food) will give you a deep immersion into Vietnamese cuisine. The wooden-decorated restaurant and soft lights gave me an impression of what Vietnam's little restaurants could look like. The menu has Vietnamese names which I personally found very catchy (I tried to pronounce a few and ... I failed).
Aside from their pho noodle soups, - as we previously mentioned - Pho’s menu is full of amazing starters that are perfect for sharing, spicy salads, decadent curries, and wok-fried rice dishes. You can enjoy freshly squeezed juices, Vietnamese beers, delicious desserts and amazing cocktails to wash down your meal. If you’re on the move, you can find Pho on Deliveroo or ‘click and collect’ your takeaway.
As we sat down we started with some pork and lemongrass meatballs with peanut butter sauce, in my opinion, the best thing we had with now my favourite sauce ever! The lemongrass fit perfectly with the pork. As a second starter we opted for Vietnamese pancakes with chicken and prawns - again, is it too clichè that it was delicious AND I also used peanut butter sauce even if I think I wasn't supposed to? Anyway, Chicken and prawns is the way to go that's why their wok fried noodles chicken and prawns is also on of their most common dishes.
Now let's get into the Pho soup. Now, I am not a fan of pho or soups in general, but I wanted to give it a go. Whilst looking at the menu the Pho House Special caught my eye, it has king prawns, chicken and flash fried steak with garlic in beef stock and it was mouthwatering. A big portion of taste explosion in your mouth.
But how did Pho come about? Stephen and Juliette Wall opened their first branch in 2005 on St. John Street in Clerkenwell after they traveled to Vietnam and fell in love with the food. They had made the decision to start a restaurant serving pho while sat on high stools, slurping pho bo in Ho Chi Minh City and 15 years later, Pho is still a family-run business serving great value, healthy Vietnamese street food that is cooked fresh daily (no central kitchens!).
Over a third of Pho’s menu is vegan and they are also accredited by Coeliac UK, so they’re a perfect destination for people following a vegan or gluten-free diet. They also have fantastic alcohol-free drinks options, too – there really is something for everyone at Pho.
So what are you waiting for? Head over your nearest Pho Restaurant.
For info head over
Words by Sal F.