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Faster Than Light - Charm Squad

Thushara Chandrasiri

It’s true what they say, 7 days is the lucky number. Having been out for exactly a week, there are not enough words in this world to describe just how much I am enjoying and loving the vibe of Charm Squad, the latest track by Tuscon trio, Faster Than Light. Everything about this song feels so good, and even after just one listen its enough to put a spring in anyone’s step.

Up to now Faster Than Light are a completely new experience for me, and sometimes stepping into the unknown you never know what to expect, but this is one of those occasions I feel like I have struck gold. The vocals of frontman Nate Jasensky are such a dream - it is such a strong, bold voice to make you stand to attention. As someone who has a naturally deep voice myself, it’s great to see Nate using his deep voice to the song too, and I think it adds a lot of character too which you don’t tend to see in music in the times that we live in.

WIth the addition of Chris Pierce on bass and Jimmy Borquez on drums, a track like Charm Squad is a mighty fine example of a whole entire band working in perfect harmony with one another - with the result being a song which excites music fans like me.

As for the lyrics, with Nate taking the reigns on the songwriting front, it is such a tangible song which anyone can pick up and easily sink their teeth into especially when you have simple but thought inspiring lines such as ‘Consequence of spending my last two cents’, or ‘Water it down, always thinking about how it sounds’ - very much like some of the thought we sometimes have when we are just taking a moment to ourselves to ponder about life.

Another important point to note about Charm Squad too is that is also a bit of a teaser from the band’s upcoming album too, which I think is the perfect choice for sparking curiosity in the minds of any new fans out there, myself included. Faster Than Light have got my instant seal of approval and knowing that bands such as this exist just gives me an extra reason to smile and be happy.

Charm Squad is out right now, so make sure you check it out today!

By Thushara Chandrasiri


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