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Holding Absence: Band Release Video To Latest Single “Perish”

Updated: Feb 5, 2020

Holding Absence are a relatively new band on the rock circuit at the moment but they certainly stand out from the rest. With their debut album, self-titled Holding Absence, on the horizon, the band have slowly started to release tracks and videos to accompany them as we crawl closer to March 8th. On the stretch to that date, their second release from the record, Perish, dropped on January 11th hand in hand with its gorgeously simple music video.

Perish is a step away from their more radio friendly lead single, Like A Shadow. Perish shows us the more dark and rattled Holding Absence we’ve heard in their small but stunning repertoire of music already Lyrically, Perish entails Lucas’ [Woodland, vocalist] struggles to let love in tied with the fear of losing the love they have - a theme that’s almost taboo in our culture of romantic comedies and puppy love. It also captures the almost poetic essence that all tracks delivered by Holding Absence holds wonderfully; honesty of hardships paired with heartbreak and holy icons.

As if the song itself didn’t deliver enough, the video made for it is simplistic but nothing short of pleasing to the eyes. The video lets Perish speak for itself due it’s dense themes but that doesn’t stop the video from being a piece of art to be enjoyed. Shot in black and white, it keeps up with the aesthetic presented by Holding Absence and keeps the world they’re building around them evergreen. The video needs no narrative because as we flick from member to member performing animatedly, we see the emotion that is felt by all in each of them. Unsurprisingly so, the energy seen in the video is exactly on par with their onstage appearances - an unmissable blend of enthusiasm and ecstasy.

Another un-ignorable feature of the video is its use of floral imagery, which is purposefully tied into the album from its artwork to the lyrical contents within the songs we are yet to hear. The band have said themselves it is something they’ve done purposely as the album is an ode to ‘Marigold’; a person Lucas created and made the main concept of the entire record.

Perish is one of many things to come from Holding Absence this year and it’s only going to get bigger and better as their dedication and fan base grows. It’s easy to see that they’re entirely grateful for everything hurtling their way and are prepared to give their all, whether it be a song or a live show.

Holding Absence are so proud to be Holding Absence and you can easily see that in every creative endeavour they take on.

Article By E.H


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