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Howard Kaye - Shadows In The Dark


It has been nice being able to see the likes of bands such as Holding Absence and Don Broco leading the way and breathing live back into the alternative rock scene, and has helped to change the dialogue of UK music, so people do not assume that we are not just a bunch of brit-pop fanatics. Truth be told is that if you look really carefully at pay attention you will notice that our alternative rock is just as good as anywhere else in the world.

Joining that resurgence of immensely talented home grown artists is Brigton based rock artist Howard Kaye who on 15th April 2022 put out his latest single Shadows In The Dark. It is a cracker of a song, and if you haven’t listened to it already, then I tell you know you better waste no more time otherwise you will find yourself dealing with a serious case of FOMO.

Shadows In The Dark is one of those tracks that the very moment you hear it, it grabs your attention, as Howard’s brilliant vocals will draw you in and his mastery as both a musician and a lyricist will make ya’ll want to muster up all the energy within you as you embrace all the brilliant things that Shadows In The Dark has to offer.

Lighters in the air, as you sway along, maybe not, but getting on the shoulders of your buddy as you sing at the top of your lungs with those rock fists in the air, now that sounds like the more likey scenario. Thinking about it, I don’t know a lot of people called Howards, but as far as 2022 and home grown alternative rock are concerned Howard Kaye is the only one you will ever need and want in your life.

If Shadows In The Dark is anything to go by, this certainly won’t be the last time we hear his name, so you better prepare yourselves dear friends I can feel something special on the horizon as Howard Kaye brings his A Game with this must listen to track.

Article By Thushara S. Chandrasiri


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