Critically acclaimed indie duo Ida Mae have released their fresh new single ‘If You Don’t Love Me’ and while they may not be fully renowned just yet, they have already set dates for their forthcoming 2019 UK and European tour, which has unsurprisingly made astounding headlines in multiple magazines. Stating that it was “one of the first songs we wrote for the record”, Ida Mae encourage us to find a sense of simplicity and honesty through the strings of their 1930s National Duolian Steel guitar and 1980s digital harp that bleed serenity like an open wound. With a quirky look and an eccentric name, there are many perks to the prominent pair.
Testing similarities to John Lennon and Yoko Ono, Stephanie Jean and Chris Turpin are a married couple who have replaced honeymoons with international tours, as they begin their marriage leaping into the riveting world of alternative music. They have recently finished their recording of their debut album, which has blissfully been produced by Ethan Johns who has also recorded the likes of Kings Of Leon and Laura Marling.
‘If You Don’t Love Me’ is a simple track. It’s doesn’t vastly detach itself from other modern musicians and has certainly been done before. In my opinion, this track in particular was too plain for me and lacked the attraction I was hoping to engage with. However, after listening to a few of their other songs I am starting to hear the charm they bring to their abounding fans. In particular, their music video for ‘Feel Them Getting Closer’ was especially interesting, including cigarettes in fried eggs and more sunglasses than lyrics! All very stylish though, with heart-shaped frames and vibrant colours. Excluding my own personal comments of the song, I can still see the intrigue as it carries calm and varied tones which make for an edgy yet peaceful listen.
The pair themselves remind me of an artist I used to admire called Imaginary Future as his sound was equally harmonious with an isolated vocal. When I first heard the track I was again reminded of a duo called The Civil Wars and notably their song ‘Poison and Wine’. Their style and look has undeniable resemblance to Haim and Hanson for their evidently comparable locks. Not forgetting that Stephanie Jean is the stunt double to Sonic Youth’s Kim Gordon.
All in all, the duo are both talented and truly remarkable musicians that are a honourable recommendation for new fans. Since their sound is clearly harmless and accessible to all ages, listeners that are just discovering Ida Mae, can start a smooth transition in their music taste with a handful of songs they can abide and accustom to. There is always a gap in the market for performers like Ida Mae who will never fail to impress their fans and no doubt try unique melodies for records in the future. If you like bands like the Smoke Fairies and Angus and Julia Stone, Ida Mae is for you. Definitely worth a listen.
Article by Holly Turner.