Christian artist Judane released her brand new single Come Alive. I feel so thankful for this song, because prior I felt so heavy hearted and dragged down by life, so when I listened to Come Alive it was a reminder not to forget the pure and perfect unfailing love of Jesus. I really love music I can get a source of inspiration from, and Come Alive was a song I felt I instantly had a deep and meaningful relationship with.
What we have to remember is being a Christian is not just about going to church once a week on a Sunday, a walk with God and asking Jesus into our life is a daily thing, the power of the Trinity is all around, but we just need to reach out because that is when we realise. So when you have a song like Come Alive it is like a freshness is placed into our vision.
I would not see Come Alive as a worship song, but also one that can bring a lot of valuable motivation in to our daily life. To make sure you experience what that looks like, listen to Come Alive - out right now!