We head to Australia, the home of singer-songwriter KESMAR who recently released his latest track "Is It Me or Is It Love".
From first impressions, this is quite a soothing track to listen to but also one that also releases some much needed dopamine into the equation as well just do to the whole ambience and aesthetic of the song itself.
I very much love the fact that "Is It Me or Is It Love" is the type of song you can pick up any time of the day and it will still make you feel in good spirits as you just allow yourself and your heart to become one with the lyrics.
There is something about KESMAR which reminds me of the likes of Rex Orange County (another great name in the world of music) as well as the early works of artists such as Mika, so if your fans of either of those, then KESMAR will definitely be a name worth checking out too.
"Is It Me or Is It Love" for any new listener I think brings together KESMAR’s core strengths, almost as a calling card to help us enjoy a glimpse of just at the great potential he has when we just live in the moment and allow the music to lead the way.