“I want to hear you sing every word of this song peeps” Mimi Webb shouts to the crowd in Manchester. And what other song would it be than one that helped kick this journey off for her? The crowd did not disappoint as they bellowed the lyrics to Good Without, which went viral across TikTok at the start of this year in the third UK lockdown.
Mimi spoke about the platform and referenced some of her original videos that she made with her parents which now have millions of views. Some of the most popular ones are her parents’ reactions to her songs Reasons, Good Without and Dumb Love.
Her first ever tour ‘The Dumb Love Tour’, was announced the day the single came out in June and sold out in days. So, when the song came on and Mimi pointed the mic towards the audience they sang along to every word. When introducing the song, she spoke about being in love when you are young and joked with the crowd “but I guess it’s just called Dumb Love”.
But the singer opened the show with the song that she first released Before I Go. There was a sea of phones as Mimi came onto the stage with fans not wanting to miss her entrance for her first tour date in Manchester, before she returns to the city next year.
To make the most of their experience fans took advantage of being able to dance again in a crowd again when Mimi sang Little Bit Louder and Reasons. But the singer did request that “the next song I want to see you dance” and with people’s hands in the air she certainly did. However, Dancing was soon replaced by phone torches lighting up the venue as she performed her “most emotional” song Lonely in Love, the final song on her EP ‘Seven Shades of Heartbreak’.
After the singer shared a video on TikTok earlier this year, of her mum sending Sam Smith a message on Instagram informing him that he was her daughter’s favourite artist, it was no surprise that Mimi Webb covered one of his songs. To continue her theme of love songs she performed his song I’m Not the Only One, which was duetted with the crowd’s collective voice.
Mimi made sure that she got the chance to snap an Instagram picture with her band and the crowd before the night was over. As the singer counted down from five the crowd held up their lights and peace signs in a hope to spot themselves.
The singer will be returning back to the city in February next year for her second tour.
Article By Courtney Davies