TW: Sexual assault and violence.
97 per cent of young women have experienced sexual harassment in public spaces, according to a recent study done by UN Women. This comes as no surprise, and with more and more women speaking up about their own experiences, this is an issue that cannot be ignored.
One young woman who refuses to be silenced is Cambridgeshire-based pop-punk soloist, PinkFiz. Released on March 26th, her latest single, ‘Did I Ask?’ is a loud, angsty, and emotion-fuelled feminist anthem that touches on female consent and stresses the importance of gender equality.
In the male-dominated alternative music scene, 18-year-old PinkFiz comes as a breath of fresh air. Having established herself as a solo act during the second lockdown, the up-and-coming artist rightfully prides herself in writing, recording, and producing her own tracks, while simultaneously using her platform to battle social injustice.
Erupting into a cacophony of gritty punk-rock instrumentation, the track has absolutely no issue asserting itself. Empowering and raw, ‘Did I Ask?’ showcases both the soft and fierce side of women, with PinkFiz’s playful and muted vocals contrasting with the track’s brooding bass-line and clashing guitar riffs.
Inspired by the riot grrrl movement of the 1990s, the single oozes with power and confidence. PinkFiz’s straight-talking and unapologetic lyrics are fuelled by her frustration towards female inequality and sexual harassment, singing, “If my skirts too short it’s not for your attention” and “if my boobs are out it's not for your affection, coz I'm not asking for it.”
It’s a clear message to men who feel entitled to women’s bodies, and a big “F you” to rape apologists.
This has always been a powerful and important message to communicate; however it is especially relevant now. With all the women’s safety protests and vigils taking place across the country following the devastating murder of Sarah Everard, standing up together against sexual assault and violence against women is more important than ever.
When describing what drove her to write the track, PinkFiz explained: “I wrote this song about the phrase “she was asking for it” because I was really angry that day about it and I needed to get all my frustration about it into words and into a song.
“I am very passionate about fighting for equality and about making opportunities for everyone the same. As a female guitarist, I have been overlooked in the past and disregarded and I’ve often felt invalidated and seen as not as good as my male peers.”
I am looking forward to seeing what this promising new soloist has in store for the pop-punk scene in the future as she continues to fight for equality and encourage other young women to do the same. Because women’s History Month might be over, but our fight for social justice is not.
Article By Amelia Thorpe