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Rudie Edwards: Spreading Joy Through Poetry & Music


We are already part way through 2021, and already we are seeing a range of emerging artists working their way through the music scene and creating a name for themselves, especially here in the UK. Following the success of her latest single, Young, Rudie Edwards from Dover in the South East of England has already got plans in place to create waves with her up coming EP which will be released soon.

We caught up with the lady herself for a giggle and a chat as we explored her love for poetry, her experiences as an artist so far, and much more.

Lovely to finally meet you Rudie, how are you keeping?

Yea I am doing alright, I am trying my best to do well.

With this being a point of the year where people are exploring new possibilities in life, what does that concept look like to you?

Playing loads and loads of new music. I haven’t played a live show in I don’t know how long, so I am really looking forward to releasing this EP so I can arrange some really nice intimate shows. To me that sounds like a big adventure because we have been in lockdown for so long. Anything to do with outside and people is something to look forward to.

When you were going through the initial stages of the first lockdown did you find yourself trying to indulge in as much music as possible?

Yea the funny thing is that I'm used to writing quite a lot whether it be poetry, lyrics or anything that comes to mind, but I think since lockdown I actually prefer just listening. Really taking in new music that I like. I am trying to discover new artists which I didn’t really have time for before because I was so heavily invested in my own writing and expressing myself, so it has been really nice to be the audience and be the person listening.

When you do turn the tables and become the listener do you find yourself being able to simply relax and enjoy the music, or are there moments where your mind is trying to tempt you back into work mode?

Haha I totally get what you are saying! I don’t know whether it's to do with getting older, but I find it a lot more easier to just listen and embrace it. When I was younger and a little naïve I kind of came across as if I knew everything where I would be like ‘oh they should have put that riff there’ or ‘change that bridge to this’ whereas now due to my maturity when I hear someone else doing some- thing differently to what I would of, I am like ‘oh that’s cool’. I think if you like music as a whole, you need to like it for what it is.

Photo By Ellis Edwards

So just picking up on the poetry for a moment. I have been looking at your website and have been liking all the poems you have been putting up there.

Oh thank you! I am glad that someone is looking at them haha! I always loved poetry at school but then I took it home with me because I was quite a cheesy kid I think haha. I used to write poems for my grandparents and leave them under their pillows before I left.

A bit like the poetry tooth fairy?

Haha yes, the poetry tooth fairy that was literally me! I just wanted to put smiles on their faces and just leave them there to bring a bit of joy to their day, which is part of the reason I love poetry in the first place because you can analyse it and take from it what you want. It can provoke an emotion in you.

How has your own music helped to shape your understanding of the power of dialogue?

I think for me it is when I get a message from someone and they will tell me that they have heard my song Young and explain how it has got them through a hard time, or they will listen to the lyrics and explain how they have related to the lyrics. I realise that I am not the only one experiencing that so when your able to do that for someone else I think you just kind of feel your not alone. I think when you are writing it, it is easy to assume only you are experiencing those raw emotions but then when you put it out there then do you only realise that so many other people have also gone through a similar experience.

What are the foundations you have put in place to help keep self care and the importance of self kindness at the centre of your life?

I think I have sometimes forgotten that sense of self love because there are points in life where I haven’t maybe taken care of myself. There are a few songs in the bank that prove that which will be coming out soon. Now with all this time in lockdown you have to self care, you have to self love, and for me that means resting.

I find it hard to go for a nice stroll for example because automatically I am thinking I should be doing something work related or productive, as I have never really had that opportunity to take time out for myself. So for me it’s been learning how to take a deep breath and learning how to spend an hour in the bath if I want to or even just reminiscing but in a way that I am not being too hard on myself. It is also about knowing when you need to have some space, when you need to be alone but also when you need to be around people.

From one workaholic to another, it is about remembering it’s ok to unwind!

Haha exactly! Most of all we have to remember we should feel guilty if you just want to sit and think.

With it being a big year for releasing new music, what are you most excited about?

I think I have been writing songs for such a long time and not releasing them so I think just the fact that I am finally able to do that for other people to hear is the best thing to happen to me. I have been working towards it for such a long time that it feels like there is this release and like I can breathe. I can look forward and it just feels really good.

How do you think your relationship with music has helped you to be the person you are today?

I think the great thing about music is that it has never let me down. I have always had it and I don’t think it is going anywhere. It is the one boyfriend that won’t leave me haha!

Moving forward what are your priorities for what is to come?

Firstly to stay healthy and to stay smart. Ultimately to also put this EP out and do each of the songs as much justice as I can and give it everything that I have got. That is the priority.

Wishing you all the best for the brand new EP! Before we end, what is making you smile about the road ahead?

Playing a live show, I cannot bloody wait. As soon as it is announced that gigs will be allowed to go ahead, I will be there. I don’t care where I will be singing, I will do it. Sign me up haha!

Photo By Ellis Edwards

Sending our love and thanks to Rudie. Details of her debut EP will be announced soon, but in the mean time make sure you check out the current single Young which is out right now.

To stay up to date with all the latest news, as well as discovering Rudie’s talents as a poet head over to

Article By Thushara


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