Sometimes there are times the world can be so overwhelming, and sometimes the only way to navigate through that is to take a step back and time for ourselves. Touching on this, US based RYN SCOTT releases his latest single and music video LONELY. What I really admire about this song and the approach RYN has taken is that he sings with so much emotion and rawness but also hope and strength too.
People can sometimes mistake wanting to spend time alone as being a red flag, and sometimes we our selves may even feel guilty for taking time out, but this song serves as a reminder that taking some down time is not something to be feared or ashamed of, but its a good way of detoxing the body and soul, giving space to navigate through the frustrations, and coming out the other side in a better place.
For me I personally found LONELY very nourishing and empowering to listen to, and I gain alot of strength and comfort because it was a reminder to myself of the importance of remembering to be kind to my self. For that alone, I am truly grateful to be able to know that artists RYN SCOTT exist in the world, using their music to help us all mentally move forward in a better way.