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San Salinas - Lay Down Your Sword


If you remember, a couple of months ago I told you about one of my new favourite artists, San Salinas after having the pleasure of checking out the cover to Nirvana’s Something In The Way. Well having loved the music, I was so happy to hear that guitarist and producer Matt Gibson was back with his brand new single, Lay Down Your Sword.

As any one will know when your favourite artists release new material your heart beats fast and the adrenaline oozes through your veins in sheer excitement, and I kid you not a huge smile appeared on my face as I listened to Lay Down Your Sword for the very first time.

Lyrically, Matt has given us something quite deep, powerful and honest which I really admire because he uses music as a creative outlet to channel those woes of life to create something healthy and wholesome. As I continue to listen I really feel a deep connection with the music because I find it to be quite relatable and I am confident is a song which will really bring a lot of solitude to help brighten up your day when you need it the most. I love the fact that Matt is also being very real and not holding anything back when it comes to sharing a song about something which is personal to him.

Being a master of the strings when it comes to being a guitarist too, he of course woos us even more with his awesome guitar solos. Lyrically, sonically and vocally each element of Lay Down Your Sword works in such perfect harmony with one another, and as a San Salinas fan, it’s making me love Matt Gibson even more. Dawn, Noon or Night, I would happily listen to this song to my heart’s content because it’s the type of song which will also bring such beautiful energy any time of the day!

A huge congratulations to Matt for another exhilarating track, and long may the good times continue. For now though whatever your doing, stop and check out Lay Down Your Sword right now. Guitar solos, catchy lyrics and a song which will make you singing along at the top of your lungs - what’s not to love?! Happy listening!

Article By Thushara S. Chandrasiri


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