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Scott Apple - On Your Side

Thushara Chandrasiri

American singer-songwriter returns with his brand new single On Your Side which was released on 27th October 2023. 4 days old and already I can’t get enough of this song, I have listening to this song repeatably and loving ever moment. Why? Well let me tell you.

First there is no denying that just encountering this track will lift your spirits and leaves you refreshed be that Scott’s comforting vocals that you wish you could escape into forever, or the playful lyrics which just bring together all those warm positive feelings sparked from those cherished moments in life.

Let me give you an example - darling on the front porch swing, we will drink and we will dance for all these things to be’ - hearing those words how cannot you not feel the happiness building inside of you. I live for moments like that in general, but when it's expressed through a song like On Your Side gives me all the more reason to smile.

As a guitarist, Scott is equally as talented, and if you really want to get a grasp of how he manifests that in his music then as a heads up look out for the very awesome guitar solo, I won't tell you where exactly or that will ruin the treat, so guess you will just have to listen to the song itself to work it out for yourself ;)

What I like about Scott Apple as an artist is how his energy can be appreciated I think by anyone, and On Your Side is the perfect celebration of the way his music appeals to the masses. If you havent had a chance to listen to the new single yet then make sure you check it out asap, and feel free to share the love and the hype with your friends, family and fellow music fans so we can give this song the special life it deserves.

Comments by Thushara Chandrasiri


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