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Thushara Chandrasiri

Subway Rat Releases New Album ‘Captain of The Football Team’

Updated: Dec 30, 2023

After the success of his debut album, Indie alternative artist Subway Rat, also known as David Polanco is back with his brand new album, Captain of The Football Team. Consisting of 10 tracks, this record sees David explore new creative areas within his mind, and really take his journey as an artist to new heights. 

Having heard about the new record, it felt only right that I check out the album for myself. The album begins with opening track with the fun of Outta Town, which is full of energy with Subway Rat’s catchy lyrics and vocals matching. You want a song which grabs your attention when you are listening to an album for the very first time, especially the intro track, and thankfully this song delivers and sets the the tone. 

Next on the album if your in the mood for a good ol sing along is Hope which reminds you a little bit like the Strokes, The Stranglers and maybe even British band, James. You cannot help but sing along to ‘I hope you don't forget me’, and bonus points for his creativity with the lyrics for even managing to somehow fit in Mario, and still managing to make it not sound out of place. 

With 10 tracks to explore on this album, I am not going to go through each individually, just so I can save a little back for you to explore yourself. So I shall pick out a few tracks which really caught my attention instead. Queens Kids for instance is quite a soulful and reflective track which sees Subway Rat really express himself by challenging all the things in every day life - from life, to family to friendships. I think by taking the every day, and things people resonate with that’s what gives this song its extra edge.

Nostalgia is probably one of my favourites because it is reminiscent of the feelings of young love and great memories of growing up, and is such a warm and inviting track as we take a trip down memory lane with Subway Rat. 

Lost Without U is probably another good track worth looking out for, because its quite a reflective but sweet song which just makes you smile and fills you with warmth and that sense of being incomplete without that special person being there.

Taking a look at this album as a whole, Captain Of The Football Team is great collection of songs which celebrate Subway Rat’s identity, and shows all his different sides both as an artist and a lover of life, Available on all major platforms be sure to check out the album right now!

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Article By Thushara Chandrasiri


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