With their brand new EP on the horizon, UK based band The Hertz Complex have released their debut single Divergence. The song gives us a glimpse at the band’s great potential as this is a song which shows off just some of their many strengths. For example I appreciate good lyrics as anyone will tell you, so in the case of Divergence I like how the song is just very open and honest. It takes the concept of hurt, where maybe it is us who has done the hurting but not done intentionally, but still gives room for acknowledging the other person’s feelings which may be perfectly valid.
The subconscious of our minds can be a very complex thing at times, so I like how through this song, The Hertz Complex are providing us a space to just navigate through that. I am a very visual person as a music fan when it comes to connecting to new music, so to really help to really get a grasp of the true spirit of the song, I also recommend checking out the official animated lyric video which accompanies the track,
As for the overall song, given that it is a debut single, I think The Hertz Complex have succeeded in inticing the curiosity in the mind of the listener, and from a personal point of view has made me all the more excited to want to check out the EP once it comes out. For now though be sure to give this track a spin - you will thank me later when you do!