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The Reflections - River Road


Looking for some new music which sounds so dreamy and will have you feeling so chilled? Well we have just the treat for. Twin brother Tim and Dan McGuigan better known as The Reflections from Bushwick, Brooklyn are back with their brand new single River Road, a song which will both soothe and enchant the moment you press play.

Lyrically River Road feels quite heartfelt and has that poetic feel to it which really helps you connect with the song and reflect on the message behind it. As a first time listener not only am I enjoying what I am hearing, but I find River Road as a whole so calming and lighthearted to listen to, whilst still radiating plenty of depth within the lyrics themselves.

The brothers are known for showing their fans vulnerability and melodies when it comes to their songwriting, and you can see River Road being an example of how they are staying true to their roots and their vision as The Reflections. Sometimes we have this misconception that vulnerability means pouring your heart out, and comes from a dark place, but vulnerability can also mean embracing one’s strength and just adding a bit of much needed light into our lives, and when I look at a song like River Road this is how it makes me feel, and for that it makes me admire The Reflections even more.

With lines such as ‘From a spring we go, summer breezes blow, autumn leaves turn gold, on and on it goes’, how can resist not falling in love with the song even more. River Road may have only been released two days ago on 6th May 2022, but I can tell before no time it will blossom into something even more beautiful as it continues to make it’s journey into the lives of countless music fans across from Brooklyn and beyond.

Article By Thushara S. Chandrasiri


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